PYP & MYP Authorization

PYP and MYP Authorization

pyp authorization


myp authorization

Primary Years Programme (PYP)

About IB-PYP

About IB-PYP

The PYP aims to create a curriculum that is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant for learners between 3–12 years of age. The curriculum is trans-disciplinary, meaning that it focuses on issues that go across subject areas. The PYP is organised according to: • The written curriculum, which explains what PYP students will learn. • The taught curriculum, which sets out how educators teach the PYP. • The assessed curriculum, which details the principles and practice of effective assessment in the PYP .

Written Curriculum

Written Curriculum

The written curriculum is made up of five essential elements and details what students will learn. These Key Elements are: 1. Knowledge, which is both disciplinary, represented by traditional subject areas (language, maths, science, social studies, arts, PSPE) and trans-disciplinary. 2. Concepts, which students explore through structured inquiry in order to develop coherent, in-depth understanding, and which have relevance both within and beyond subject areas. 3. Skills, which are the broad capabilities students develop and apply during learning and in life beyond the classroom. 4. Attitudes, which contribute to international-mindedness and the wellbeing of individuals and learning communities,and connect directly to the IB learner profile. 5. Action, which is an expectation in the PYP that successful inquiry leads to responsible, thoughtful and appropriate action.

Taught Curriculum

Taught Curriculum

The taught curriculum is the part of the PYP that sets out its pedagogical approach. It identifies how schools should teach the PYP written curriculum. The PYP is committed to structured, purposeful inquiry that engages students actively in their own learning. The programme supports students’ efforts to construct meaning from the world around them by: • drawing on their prior knowledge. • providing provocation through new experiences. • providing opportunities for reflection and consolidation. This approach respects students’ developing ideas about how the world works. It encourages them to question, consider and refine their understanding of the social and natural world.

Assessed Curriculum

Assessed Curriculum

Through assessment, the IB helps schools teaching the Primary Years Programme (PYP) to identify what students know, understand, can do and value at different stages in the teaching and learning process. In the PYP, learning is viewed as a continuous journey, where teachers identify students’ needs and use assessment data to plan the next stage of their learning.Teachers use a wide range of assessment strategies to collect information on each of the elements represented in the written curriculum: the understanding of concepts, the acquisition of knowledge, the mastering of skills, the development of positive attitudes and the ability to take responsible action.

Middle Years Programme (MYP)

About IB-MYP

About IB-MYP

The Middle Years Programme focuses on subject based inquiry that enables the child to explore the breadth and depth of topics across subjects based on ‘key concepts’, ‘related concepts’, and ‘global context’. The Middle Years Programme curriculum is developed with the goal to support the child’s transition from MYP to the Diploma Programme (DP).

The Pupil International School is a candidate school* for the MYP. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. IB World Schools share a common philosophy- a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education – that we believe is important for our students. * Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme (DP), or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes visit

MYP Subject Groups:

MYP Subject Groups:

Language & Literature
Individuals & Societies
Language Acquisition
Physical & Health Education



Each topic in every subject is explored over 6 weeks and concludes with a summative assessment (SA) for each subject group evaluated on the basis of the subject objectives. There are 4 objectives for every subject group. Formative assessments (FA) are conducted during the course of the phase to procure feedback on the teaching-learning process and modify the journey accordingly. MYP eAssessments are conducted by IBO at the end of Grade 10. The students receive IB-certified mark sheets based on online examinations and coursework ePortfolios.

MYP - Projects and Progress

MYP - Projects and Progress

Children in MYP year 3 (Grade 8) carry out a community project to address the needs of the community/neighbourhood through the knowledge and skills acquired. This translates the inquiry into the action of service towards a community. MYP year 5 (Grade 10) students carry out a personal project to apply and strengthen the skills and the acquired subject-specific learning, and in turn develop an area of personal interest to supplement their succeeding levels of learning. This personal project provides the platform for every child to express and produce a truly personal outcome of their learning in the MYP.

MYP Year Planner